The 2016 Webinars Survey is Live

I am very excited to announce the launch of the 2016 Webinars Survey.

The 2016 Webinars Survey is Live –

For detailed information visit On this page I will keep it simple. By participating in the survey you will get free gifts, have the opportunity to enter prize draws and find out the aggregated quantitative data from the survey. This last point means that by taking the survey you will find out what other webinar presenters prefer in terms of webinar software, webinar presenters and webinar training resources. This is valuable information and I cannot wait to see what people choose.

The Webinars Survey is for a limited time only

The 2016 Webinars Survey will be available for a limited time. Some gifts and prizes will only be available for short periods within the survey’s duration. However, whenever you take the survey you will be entitled to receive all the gifts and entries into the prize draws that are available at that time and that are added to the site at a later date. As a result, you will get maximum benefit from participating in the survey as early as possible.

If you visit the Webinars Survey after the survey has concluded you will be able to join a waiting list so that you get notified when the survey is activated again in a future year.

Why are you still reading?

Just click here to take a look at the Webinars Survey. I hope you enjoy answering the questions about webinars and the goodies that are heading your way.