How to Ask Better Webinar Questions

To create an engaging webinar that captures your participants’ attention there is one important tactic for asking better webinar questions.

In my previous training article and video I presented the 7 questions to guarantee interactive presentations. However, this article presents a bonus regarding the specific type of webinar questions that will boost your engagement. Use this tactic to stimulate more involvement from your participants with you and your webinar content. It is a simple but often neglected concept. There is no fancy video today but just a simple takeaway for you. Here it comes….

During your webinars ask lots of open-ended questions in preference to closed-ended questions.

Open-ended questions are those for which there is a huge variety of possible answers. These questions have superpowers when used during training, especially during an online presentation.

Closed-ended questions do not require much thought. Whether they are yes/no, true/false, multiple choice or identifying the best simple answer, they can be easier to manage, including easy insertion into a poll. However, closed-ended questions do not require as much thought or attention as an open-ended question.

My favorite open-ended webinar questions include:

Open-ended questions possess some special magic and can produce answers you will not anticipate, but which will provide broader value than closed-ended questions.

You can ask for responses to your open-ended questions using a microphone response (for smaller webinars with that functionality) or through the webinar chat. You should not feel compelled to respond individually to each participant response, as this can be very time-consuming for open-ended questions. After all, most webinar presenters would not normally do this for closed-ended questions.

Alternatively, you can very powerfully use open-ended rhetorical questions where you do not expect your participants to provide you with an answer, but it still gets them thinking on a deeper level about your content.

As always, I hope you find this training valuable. In return, I would love you to answer one question. And yes, it is an open-ended one.

I am currently planning out my weekly training articles for the next few months. What would you like to learn about presenting webinars? Click here to tell me.

What would you like to learn about presenting webinars?

This is not a rhetorical question. Please click here to send me an email and tell me so that I can help you better.