Webinar Ninja 4.0 Review

Webinar Ninja 4.0 Review – What is that and why would I care?

I’m sure you are familiar with all the “crazy” people who line up at the Apple Store whenever a new iPhone, iPad, iFridge or whatever is released. I love my Apple products but I haven’t done that (yet). However, I like the idea of being so excited about a new product that I want to be first in line to look behind the curtain and see the secrets revealed.

I am an unashamed webinar nerd so I felt like I was lining up outside the Apple store this week in readiness for the release of Webinar Ninja 4.0. This release hadn’t had a lot of hype but all the signs suggested that the secret little Ninjas had been working very hard on producing something new and special. As a result, my priority this week was to line up to check it out. I was not disappointed.

For a detailed unboxing review of Webinar Ninja 4.0 watch this video.

Webinar Ninja 4.0 Review – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sXznGYW8oIo

What is my summary from my Webinar Ninja 4.0 Review?

Towards the end of the video I give my summary that Webinar Ninja 4.0 is:

Webinar Ninja 4.0 is also very quick to setup and very easy to use. Next week I will be releasing a new article and video titled “5 Reasons to Buy Webinar Ninja 4.0”. It will give specific insights into the reasons why webinar presenters might choose to adopt Webinar Ninja 4.0 as their preferred webinar software option.

Do you have my Webinar Platforms Guide?

To learn more about webinars click here to grab my free Webinar Platforms Guide. It includes:

Click here to grab your copy.

What do you think about Webinar Ninja 4.0?

Share your opinions and ask your questions about Webinar Ninja 4.0. What do you think? Please click here to share your thoughts in the YouTube video comments.