5 Ways You Can Develop a Winning Webinar Mindset

I weigh 121.3 kilograms (267 pounds). When I weighed myself this morning I was horrified. 9 months ago I weighed 100.0 kilograms. My attitude to eating is screwed up. I need to change my mindset so that I will change my results.

Having the right mindset is critical to succeeding in any part of your life. With respects to presenting webinars or using any live streaming options, there are 5 ways you can develop a winning webinar mindset.

5 Ways You Can Develop a Winning Webinar Mindset – http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oI6gmtNuXSw

1. Be energetic

Enthusiasm is a magical tool. It has a gravitational pull that invites others to want to participate.

2. Serve others

If you remember the focus of the webinar is upon providing value to your participants then this should take a lot of pressure on you to perform. Think about helping your participants instead of worrying about your private fears and inhibitions.

3. Remember you are the expert

Participants choose to attend webinars because they expect to learn something valuable. By choosing to attend they have already concluded that you have valuable information to give them. You are the expert. They will give you the benefit of any doubt about this until you conclusively prove otherwise to them. It is difficult for you to lose their faith unless you overtly lose your self-confidence first. Be confident and trust that your participants will be on your side, because almost always they are.

4. Expect success

Have a positive expectation that the webinar will be a winner and you are more likely to accomplish your objective.

5. Become a positive problem solver

Sometimes despite our very best efforts something can go wrong, especially if technology and humans are working together. If you notice that there is a problem trouble-shoot your options and, as I believe they say at NASA, “work the problem”. Pause, take some deep breaths, be a positive problem solver and identify your best options for moving forward.

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What do you think about developing a winning webinar mindset?

What do you think contributes to a winning webinar mindset? Please click here to share your ideas in the YouTube video comments.