Webinar Feedback Survey: Do I Need One?

Webinar feedback survey – Do I need one? Yes. Thanks for reading. Actually, there is more useful content below, but today it is time for you to give your brain a bit of a visual rest and enjoy some of bloopers at my expense. I assure you that some of these clips were very untasty. Watch the video to see what I mean. Also, please tell me if “untasty” is a real word.

Do you sometimes over-think things and make them more complicated than they need to be? I know that I see my students do this A-L-L the time. Every single day. Sometimes it happens because people try too hard to think about the “what ifs” or they are trying to be extra clever. Sometimes, they are just trying too hard.

Is a webinar feedback survey difficult to create?

Creating a webinar feedback survey is typically very easy to do. If done well they inevitably provide useful feedback that you can use to help improve your future webinars. However, some webinar presenters don’t use them and when I quiz them about this I usually come to the conclusion that like many of my students they are over-thinking the situation.

Getting useful feedback from your webinar attendees is a great thing. Just don’t try to be too clever otherwise you might create a monster survey that scares people away faster than if Usain Bolt needed to run to get on the last flight to the Olympics.

Keep your surveys simple, in terms of:

If you have access to an automated webinar survey that your webinar software will deliver to your participants then take full advantage of it. Webinar Jam gives you the chance to survey your registrants after they sign up for your webinar whilst GoToWebinar provides a survey option after your webinar. If your preferred software does not provide this type of functionality then there is nothing wrong with setting up your own survey using Survey Gizmo, Survey Monkey or an alternative and then providing the survey link to your participants before the webinar ends and/or in a follow-up email.

If you are sold on the idea of obtaining more feedback from your webinar participants then the next question is how to organise your survey to get maximum benefits. On 14th July I am publishing an article titled Webinar Feedback: 3 Ways to Guarantee More Feedback. If you want to improve your future webinars I recommend that article as a must-read.

What do you think about webinar feedback surveys?

Do you agree that webinar feedback surveys are valuable? Whether your answer is yes or no please click here to tell me and share your thoughts in the YouTube video comments.