Control Your Webinar Fear

Webinar Fear – Yuck! This article and video tells you how to nip it in the bud using a simple Jedi mind trick.

Control Your Webinar Fear –

Do you like Star Wars? I am guessing you have already worked out that I am a fan. Star wars is the classic goodies v baddies conflict. The characters are larger than life (especially Jabba the Hut) and there is some humour too (Thank you, Han Solo).

In Star Wars, the Sith Lords (baddies) are frightening but we feel safer because of the Jedi (goodies) and their ability to use the force. I recommend you use the force during your webinars to control your fear and empower yourself to succeed. And there is one focus point that can make this much easier for you. You can call it clever, wise, or a Jedi mind trick – The choice is yours.

Ultimately, the intention of hosting a webinar should be for the benefit of one person. No, not you (or your Boss), but your participant (or attendee, if you prefer). If your webinar does not provide value for your participant then they won’t enjoy it and you will not accomplish your goal (educational instruction, sale or other key objective). This is an application of Marketing 101, but embracing this dogma has an additional benefit that is very empowering to the webinar presenter.

Put simply, if you focus on remembering that the webinar is really about your participants and not you, this can be a huge relief to you. With this philosophy you will realise that any of the following “disasters” don’t really matter:

If you are focused on yourself these types of events can dent your confidence, but if you are focused on helping your participants then you will shake off these types of speed bumps and remain focused on creating a webinar that is beneficial to your participants.

Webinar Fear is Unhelpful

Nerves are OK, but fear can be unproductive. Fear can distract your focus. People who practise mindfulness will understand that fear takes your mind away from the important present and can cause you unnecessary anxiety about things that may never happen.

I encourage you to take action to control your webinar fear. Bury it underneath your expectations of having a successful webinar that provides great value for your participants. In my experience, if you focus on the positives and keep striving for great results then you are much more likely to enjoy yourself, have a fun webinar, and provide greater value for your participants. And that is inevitably a win-win for everyone.

Do you have my Webinar Platforms Guide?

To learn more about webinars click here to grab my free Webinar Platforms Guide. It includes:

Click here to grab your copy.

How do you control your webinar fear?

What works for you? Please click here to tell me and share your thoughts in the YouTube video comments.