3 Essentials You Must Do to Present Successful Webinars

I obsess a little about creating successful webinars, but this week I was distracted for a while by enjoying a milestone birthday. Number 50. Half a century. It has caused me to become very reflective this week and I have been thinking a lot about my priorities and my plan moving forward. This is in itself really interesting to me because I have totally changed the way I plan my life during the past 12 months and although the results haven’t been world breaking, I hate to think what might have happened if I hadn’t planned out my priorities and goals.

On a more tangible level, I have also been reflecting on what creates successful webinars and I have narrowed it down to 3. First however, let’s look at what is not on the list:

Put simply, all of the above items are white noise to the big picture issues described below. Don’t be distracted by these above items as being the ones that will make or break your success as a webinar presenter because that simply isn’t true. The following video tells you what you need to know.

3 Essentials You Must Do to Present Successful Webinars – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZXuFg6Qlo7Q

1. Have the Right Mindset

Successful webinars inevitably have a focus upon the participants not the presenter. I have made the same observation of face-to-face presenters too. If the presenter cares about their audience and wants to achieve results that are genuinely in the best interests of their participants then success is almost assured. The alignment between a webinar presenter’s motivations and their participants’ needs is critical. I can’t explain all the science, but if a presenter is not committed to serving their audience then the participants will work this out by themselves, either consciously and/or subconsciously. It is so important that the presenter is committed to delivering what they promise and that the promise aligns with the participants’ expectations. If it doesn’t then the webinar will flop.

2. Write Down and Implement your Plan

I have two quotes that I live or die by when it comes to planning face-to-face or online presentations. They are:

If you want to be super successful in life have a life plan. Yes, I have one, and if you want a reference for creating one read this book by the master of teaching successful people how to become more successful, Michael Hyatt.

If you want to achieve some tangible successes during the foreseeable future write down your goals.

If you want to present a webinar that soars, sit down and plan it. Yes, find some quiet time, be creative and write down a detailed plan. This should not be a script, but an outline (as described by John Lee Dumas).

3. Have Fun and Engage

People learn better when they are having fun (If you don’t know this then review this article and video). And experienced webinar presenters consistently describe how webinar engagement is their main ingredient to mastering the recipe for creating a successful webinar. To create improved webinar engagement a good starting point are the following articles on webinar engagement.

Do you have my Webinar Platforms Guide?

To learn more about webinars click here to grab my free Webinar Platforms Guide. It includes:

Click here to grab your copy.

What do YOU do to create successful webinars?

Now it is your turn. Do you agree or disagree with my 3 essentials? Am I missing or undervaluing something? What do YOU do to create successful webinars? Please click here to share your ideas in the YouTube video comments.