Webinar Ethics: 5 Ways to avoid the Dark Side

Webinar ethics is not a sexy topic, but sometimes the basics are critical to our success.

It was less than a year ago when the bad news was delivered in the dental surgery. We would need a tooth extraction and five fillings. Unfortunately, “we” was not me. It was our then 6 year old son. I could not understand how every 6 months our family dentist had routinely proclaimed that our son’s teeth looked gorgeous and that he was doing a great job brushing his teeth. And now the truth was revealed. His brushing had not been effective. His teeth were in bad shape. I had failed our son by deciding to allow him to brush his teeth by himself at too young an age.

I made the mistake of kidding myself that everything was OK when we abandoned a basic habit. In this article, I urge you to remember a critical basic regarding webinar ethics – To use the power of webinars for good not evil. I do not believe that “the ends justifies the means”. Resist the dark side of rationalising that mistruths and short cuts are OK. Instead, be unfailingly honest. Be transparent. And always be 100% truthful to our webinar participants. The video highlights 5 ways to avoid the dark side of webinar ethics.

Webinar Ethics: 5 Ways to avoid the Dark Side – https://youtu.be/QEUFxF4uE04

During the video I reference the amazing George Kao. You can find his website at http://georgekao.com. I also mention Jon Schumacher who you can find at http://jonschumacher.com.

1. Be honest about our webinar purpose

This sounds simple at face value, but I have seen many webinars that had a clear sales purpose that was not declared before the webinar or during the introduction to the webinar. I don’t like that approach. If you are going to have a call to action for your participants to make a purchase or alternative significant decision at the end of the webinar then please tell them that is going to happen in advance. Otherwise, you run the risk of the participants becoming cynical about your intentions and wary of attending future webinars with you.

2. Never pretend that a webinar is “live”

Recent webinar software releases have created the opportunity for webinar presenters to appear that they are presenting “live” when in fact the attendee is only watching a replay. If you are going to give people the chance to watch a replica replay or a recording of your webinar then I encourage you to declare that to your attendees. More importantly, do not attempt to deceive your attendees even if you don’t expressly state that the webinar is a live event.

3. Only use authentic testimonials and real comments

Only authentic testimonials sourced from a real person or organisation should be used to promote webinars or during the online presentation content. Also, some of the same types of software identified in the previous paragraph provide opportunity for webinar presenters to modify the viewer chat comments shown to the attendees of the replay or recording. Please do not do this as it is not honest. The ends does not justify the means. Powerful software, like all tools, should be used for good not evil.

4. Declare when our product will be available

Clearly identify when any product you sell during a webinar will be delivered to the participants. If you product is not yet completed be honest and tell your participants. They will respect you for it. This approach substantially reduces the potential for angst and frustration between you and your product purchasers.

5. Keep our promises

Let our word be our bond. By keeping our promises we will maintain the faith and trust of our supporters.

Reflect and Refocus Challenge

Here is my challenge for you. Tonight before you head to bed please take 60 seconds to reflect upon your webinar ethics and how you might make some tweaks to avoid the dark side. I promise to do that too just after I brush my son’s teeth. May the force be with us all.

Do you have my Webinar Platforms Guide?

To learn more about webinars click here to grab my free Webinar Platforms Guide. It includes:

  • What are Webinars?
  • What are the 4 Types of Webinar Platforms?
  • What are the Pros and Cons of the Webinar Platforms?
  • Select the Best Platform for YOU
  • Where is the Software?

Click here to grab your copy and become a subscriber to this site so that you are notified when new content becomes available.

Are webinar ethics an important issue?

Share your opinions and ask your questions about webinar ethics. Have you seen some scrupulous tactics? What do you think? Please click here to share your thoughts in the YouTube video comments.

5 Reasons to Buy Webinar Ninja 4.0

Webinar Ninja 4.0 is a super update compared to its previous iterations. In this article I lay out 5 reasons to buy Webinar Ninja 4.0. If you are on the lookout to purchase new webinar software this article will help you find out if the Ninja offering is a good fit for you.

I love having options. Ask my wonderful wife and she will confirm I say this all the time. For just about anything I like being able to select from multiple choices. Apparently there are people who agree with me. Ranker lists 171 different manufacturers of cars. Considering that each manufacturer offers multiple models, sometimes more than a dozen, people want the option to choose from a huge array of car types before even considering feature variations.

Consequently, it won’t surprise you to read that I like Webinar Ninja 4.0 for being an excellent addition to the growing options of webinar software choices. If an Independent option is your best choice from the four types of webinar platforms then here are 5 reasons to buy Webinar Ninja 4.0.

5 Reasons to Buy Webinar Ninja – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wfkEMEoT8bA

I invite you to see or read about my detailed unboxing review of Webinar Ninja 4.0.

1. Four webinar options

Webinar Ninja 4.0 is among a handful of webinar software options that allow you to record and present multiple different types of webinars and this can be done without having to purchase any additional software. When you setup a new webinar using Webinar Ninja 4.0 you can choose between:

  • Live webinar
  • Recurring live webinar
  • Evergreen webinar
  • Anytime access

It is not unique, but still great value, that Webinar Ninja 4.0 offers different hybrid webinar options under the hood of a single webinar software program.

2. It is a live program

Earlier versions of Webinar Ninja relied upon Google+ Hangouts on Air as its underlying webinar delivery system. However, early in 2015 the ninjas cut loose the umbilical cord to hangouts. This means that when you use Webinar Ninja 4.0 there is no significant lag between when the presenter says something and the webinar participants hear it. This is magical because it makes it much easier for the webinar presenter to promote real-time engagement with their participants. It reduces some uncertainty and makes life simpler for the presenter. It provides a distinct advantage for Webinar Ninja 4.0 relative to Google+ Hangouts on Air and the Wrappers software systems that utilise Hangouts technology.

3. Very easy to use

Webinar Ninja 4.0 is VERY easy to use. For ease of use it is one of the best webinar programs from all four types of webinar platforms. Well done Ninjas.

4. Competitive pricing options

I have been shocked at the pricing for Webinar Ninja 4.0. It represents great value compared to its previous versions. Most importantly, it now offers affordable pricing for all levels of webinar users, including monthly and discounted annual payment options.

5. 14 day free trial

Webinar Ninja 4.0 has introduced a 14 day free trial. If you try it and don’t like it you can cancel your subscription within 14 days and no money changes hands. I need a “like” button for this one.

Do you have my Webinar Platforms Guide?

To learn more about webinars click here to grab my free Webinar Platforms Guide. It includes:

  • What are Webinars?
  • What are the 4 Types of Webinar Platforms?
  • What are the Pros and Cons of the Webinar Platforms?
  • Select the Best Platform for YOU
  • Where is the Software?

Click here to grab your copy.

Are these good reasons to buy Webinar Ninja 4.0?

Share your opinions and ask your questions about Webinar Ninja 4.0. What do you think? Please click here to share your thoughts in the YouTube video comments.

Webinar Ninja 4.0 Review

Webinar Ninja 4.0 Review – What is that and why would I care?

I’m sure you are familiar with all the “crazy” people who line up at the Apple Store whenever a new iPhone, iPad, iFridge or whatever is released. I love my Apple products but I haven’t done that (yet). However, I like the idea of being so excited about a new product that I want to be first in line to look behind the curtain and see the secrets revealed.

I am an unashamed webinar nerd so I felt like I was lining up outside the Apple store this week in readiness for the release of Webinar Ninja 4.0. This release hadn’t had a lot of hype but all the signs suggested that the secret little Ninjas had been working very hard on producing something new and special. As a result, my priority this week was to line up to check it out. I was not disappointed.

For a detailed unboxing review of Webinar Ninja 4.0 watch this video.

Webinar Ninja 4.0 Review – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sXznGYW8oIo

What is my summary from my Webinar Ninja 4.0 Review?

Towards the end of the video I give my summary that Webinar Ninja 4.0 is:

  • The most impressive webinar software update since Webinar Jam evolved into Webinar Jam Studio
  • Offers lots of powerful options for webinar presenters, including four different types of webinars
  • Provides a lot of flexible options for webinar presenters with different pricing options that will make it competitive for a wide spectrum of webinar presenters
  • Going to be scrutinised carefully for the reliability of their webinar software delivery system
  • Ready to attract a lot of attention from potential purchasers because of their new 14 day free trial option

Webinar Ninja 4.0 is also very quick to setup and very easy to use. Next week I will be releasing a new article and video titled “5 Reasons to Buy Webinar Ninja 4.0”. It will give specific insights into the reasons why webinar presenters might choose to adopt Webinar Ninja 4.0 as their preferred webinar software option.

Do you have my Webinar Platforms Guide?

To learn more about webinars click here to grab my free Webinar Platforms Guide. It includes:

  • What are Webinars?
  • What are the 4 Types of Webinar Platforms?
  • What are the Pros and Cons of the Webinar Platforms?
  • Select the Best Platform for YOU
  • Where is the Software?

Click here to grab your copy.

What do you think about Webinar Ninja 4.0?

Share your opinions and ask your questions about Webinar Ninja 4.0. What do you think? Please click here to share your thoughts in the YouTube video comments.

Why do I have a Webinar Obsession?

My list has 4 items on it.

  • My wife.
  • My son.
  • Ice cream.
  • Webinars.

I think I have a healthy obsession with all 4 of these items.

OK, maybe not the ice-cream. As Homer would say “Mmmmmmm”. Simpson, that is, not the Greek poet.

Click on today’s video for an insight into my personal webinar obsession.

Why do I have a Webinar Obsession? – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hA6qVXtDEes

In today’s video I identify:

  • The 2 types of webinars I observe
  • My mission regarding webinars
  • What I love about being a teacher

How much do you know about the 4 types of webinar platforms?

I have designed a Webinar Platforms Guide that explains the pros and cons of the four types of webinar platforms. It includes a worksheet that will enable you to identify which one or two types of webinar platforms might be the best choice for you, your school or your business. It also includes links to many of the most popular webinar software systems and their pricing pages. The Webinar Platforms Guide is free and can be downloaded here.

Do you share my webinar obsession?

I would love to know what you think. Please click here to tell me and share your thoughts in the YouTube video comments.

What are Webinar Funnels?

Webinar funnels are fun for me. I enjoy mowing too, but I am lucky because my mowing machine is a bad boy piece of equipment.

Before I start mowing I secure the dogs inside the house and make sure our son isn’t going to being stepping outside whilst I am mowing. I then pump up the tyres and wheel out the ride-on mower. It has 38 inches of grass slashing frenzy underneath the frame. I love that bad boy. I pop in my headphones and listen to podcasts or an audiobook while  I drive around and around and around mowing our back and front yards.

Sometimes before I start mowing I need to fill up the tank. I use the blue funnel shown in the video below to make sure that nothing gets spilt. Just like a funnel helps me avoid making a mess with the mower, a clever webinar presenter will use a funnel to maximise the number of potential attendees that are attracted down the funnel towards the objective of the webinar.

What are Webinar Funnels? – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h2OM9yTv-wc

A webinar funnel is the process of attracting potential webinar participants, inviting them to attend your webinar and then leading them through a process (or funnel) towards your webinar objective. Your objective might be as simple as providing valuable training to them or it might be supplemented by a desire to move them forward onto more training or towards purchasing a product.

There are 3 sequenced parts to the webinar funnel and they are all critically important. They are:

1. Before the webinar

Presenting a webinar without any participants is a very lonely place. The focus of the webinar funnel before the webinar is all about identifying traffic sources so that potential participants know about your webinar, securing registrations and sending out reminders to maximise your attendance numbers.

2. During the webinar

To maximise the success of your webinar funnel during the webinar you want to keep your participants interested and engaged. Provide them with lots of value in your teaching then give them a clear call to action so that they continue down your funnel.

3. After the webinar

After the funnel use thank you emails and other follow-up emails to continue your webinar registrants down the webinar funnel whether they attended the webinar or not.

What are my recommended resources about webinar funnels?

If you want to dive down deep about webinar funnels I recommend the following resources.

  • The Beginner’s Guide to Planning a Webinar by Jon Schumacher – In this article Jon describes all the major decisions that need to be made to produce an effective webinar, including those items related to optimising your webinar funnels. See it here.
  • The Perfect Webinar Funnel by Digital Marketer – This easy-to-read article contains several great ideas about how to implement very effective webinar funnels. Read it here.
  • Webinar Marketing Funnel System by Lead Pages – This 10 video series + much more has a regular price tag of $297 but you can get it for free by clicking here.

How do I learn more about webinars?

Do you want to learn more about webinars? A good starting point is to review the Webinar Platforms Guide I have designed for my site visitors. It describes the pros and cons of the four different types of webinar platforms. The Webinar Platforms Guide is free and can be downloaded here.

What would you like to know about webinar funnels?

Ask any questions you like about webinar funnels by clicking here to visit the YouTube video comments. Ask your question and I will answer it. If I don’t know the answer I will go searching for one for you.

5 Reasons Why You Need Killer Webinar Slides

I am so excited about the live training I am presenting to some of my site subscribers later this week. During the webinar I will be presenting 8 items that distinguish top class webinar slides from the ho-hum. I wish I had received this training years ago. You are enthusiastically encouraged to attend so that you know “How to Create Killer Webinar Slides”. If you haven’t yet registered the details are here.

killer webinar slides

Today’s article and video identifies why killer webinar slides are so important for webinar presenters.

5 Reasons Why You Need Killer Webinar Slides – https://www.youtube.com/embed/OsdtDdrla50

1. Asserts your professionalism

People are attracted to quality products. We are trained from birth to look for and choose quality options and a lot of those choices are driven by visual packaging. During a webinar your slides are your visual packaging. If they don’t look sharp and attractive your webinar participants may not be as trusting about the quality of the information you are presenting.

2. Shows you care

I am not a big party person. However, I love it when I rock up to a party and there are balloons, streamers, posters and decorations. The quality of those visuals shows that the host really cares about the people who have been invited to that party. Your webinar is a live event and if you want your webinar guests to feel the love decorate the “room” with attractive slides that shout out “I appreciate you being here and you are welcome”.

“People often don’t care how much you know until they know how much you care”.

3. Maintains your participants’ interest

We should never assume that our webinar participants will be fully focused on our webinars. There are competing elements that are there to distract our participants away from our webinars. These might include outstanding work tasks, children, television shows, YouTube clips and Facebook. Just because someone has logged in does not mean they are actually watching or actively participating in the webinar. If we are truly dedicated to serving our webinar participants then we should strive to maintain their interest. One easy way to help do this is to show them attractive compelling slides that keep their eyes returning to the screen instead of other people and their status update.

4. Helps you stay on track

Cleverly crafted slides are advantageous to us as presenters too. If we are careful about logically sequencing our slides and using relevant graphics then it makes it easier for us to look at the slides and know what we should be presenting. This approach is usually far preferable to using extensive notes or scripts that take forever to create whilst detracting from the natural conversational flow of our presentation.

5. Re-use the slides

By making the effort to produce great slides we open up opportunities for us to use the slides multiple times. This might be because of enhanced opportunities to repeat the same session for a similar or different audience. Additionally, we might use some or all of the slides:

  • In an alternative presentation we are developing
  • As a give-away gift for the participants
  • To promote our (or our organisation’s) expertise by uploading the slides to LinkedIn’s Slideshare

Have you registered for my next webinar?

If you want to be the first to know about my future webinars click here to subscribe to my weekly training articles (and also get a free Webinar Platforms Guide).

Please hover over the click here and press the mouse as I would love to see you on a future webinar.

What do you think about creating killer webinar slides?

Do you believe that creating killer webinar slides is an important part of delivering an effective webinar? Please click here to share your ideas in the YouTube video comments.