Designing Effective Training

In 2015 I was invited to participate in a project coordinated by the Queensland College of Teachers. My challenge was to present a case study video about how I contribute to designing effective training. The project has been completed and here is the video.

Designing Effective Training –

I have been working at MRWED Training and Assessment since October 2003. It is an awesome place to work because everyone regardless of their position has a commitment to delivering top class quality experiences for our students. Have you worked in or with an organisation where there was a clear genuine commitment to delivering quality service at every opportunity? If you have then you know how I feel about MRWED. I get to work with quality trainers and professionals every day and I teach and assess challenging programs with a diverse groups of students about topics that I find fascinating. I have been working there for 13 years and during that time I have never considered submitting an application to try and advance my career by working somewhere else. I think I have been very lucky.

When MRWED was asked to contribute to some videos that could be used as a resource to support and encourage Queensland teachers I was thrilled to participate. The above video was produced to focus on helping teachers visualise how they could satisfy number 3 of the Professional Standards for VET Practitioners, which is to “Plan, design and deliver effective teaching/training experiences”.

How do we design effective training?

The video describes the philosophies and approaches that I and others use at MRWED to design effective training. If there is a key takeaway I think it is to always encourage ourselves to do things better. How can we improve the resources we already have? Do they need updated information? Should we present the content using a different format? How can advances in technology positively impact the way we present and publish our resources?

Participate in the Webinars Survey

Today’s video doesn’t focus on webinars, but they are my thing. The Webinars Survey is currently available at the time this article was published. By participating in the survey you will get free gifts, have the opportunity to enter prize draws and find out the aggregated quantitative data from the survey. This last point means that by taking the survey you will find out what other webinar presenters prefer in terms of webinar software, webinar presenters and webinar training resources. This is valuable information that can help you, I and all webinar presenters figure out better ways to improve our webinar performance so in alignment with today’s training topic I enthusiastically commend participating in the survey to you. I cannot wait to share what you and others choose as your favourite software, presenters and resources. For detailed information visit

If you visit the Webinars Survey after the survey has concluded you will be able to join a waiting list to get notified when the survey is activated again.

What do you think is the key to designing effective training?

I am very interested in your opinion. Click here to share your thoughts in the YouTube video comments.