Welcome to Damian Noud . com

Hello. My name is Damian Noud and welcome to my website.

I am very excited that you are here. Yes, I am talking to you. I love helping people learn. If you were not here my mission would be diminished. I might cry. Or maybe not.

How can I help you?

Let’s get to the point. My goal is to help you improve your online presentation skills. I want to help you get skilled, be confident, and to succeed in presenting webinars and using other live streaming technologies. If you are unsure what these things are you can click here to get up to speed within 3 minutes. Are you interested in these things? If yes, that is awesome. If no, then here comes the crickets.

Cricket. Cricket. Cricket. No, not the game. That is my code for awkward silence.

Seriously, maybe you don’t care at all about presenting online. If that is true then you are very welcome to enjoy my Dad jokes and willingness to share my life’s stories and poke fun at myself. You can leave anytime that you get bored. You can also become my hero and tell others about my site. Yes, please!

If you would like to at least learn what webinars and live streaming are all about linger a while. After all, there was once a time when people thought Facebook, Twitter and YouTube were foreign languages and surely could not have an impact on their lives. These days, it is Periscope and Blab leading the charge of the invading live stream technologies.

By becoming a regular on this site I will explain one-step-at-a-time the technologies, skills and strategies required to use webinars and these new technologies with confidence. I promise it is not rocket science and the most interesting thing of all is that live streaming may one day become as relevant to you and others as today’s social media options. I am giving you a chance to get ahead of the learning curve if that is helpful to you. My mission with this website is simply to become ….

Your Confidence Coach for Presenting Online

I want to be your Confidence Coach for Presenting Online. I want you to be inspired and learning relevant content that you will be able to use. I believe this will occur most effectively if we have a two way dialog. I don’t want this to be a website where you just visit occasionally and read and watch stuff, learn and leave. I really want to know what you think and I look forward to hearing from you. We will learn best if we learn from each other.

Do you think it is important to know about webinars and live streaming technologies? Please click here to have your say on my Facebook page.