Choosing a Webinar Provider: Ask the Webinar Experts

Insider Tip 3

Choosing a webinar provider is a decision that benefits from consultation and advice with webinar experts. The video below gives you the third of a series of insider tips to help you make the right choice first time.

Choosing a Webinar Provider: Ask the Experts –

Ask the Webinar Experts

It might seem odd to believe that you can access a webinar expert for help selecting your webinar software, but help is available. Here are 6 options to help you ask the experts for guidance.

  1. Ask at your school or workplace. Are there experienced webinar presenters at your school or workplace? If so, the chances are good that they would love to be contacted by you and asked for their opinion. As with all of these options trust your judgement about whether or not you are given good advice.
  2. Visit forums or groups. There are a lot of forums and groups on the Internet that offer assistance to webinar presenters. If you are considering a specific software search for a forum or group for users of that software and ask as many questions as you want.
  3. Subscribe to podcasts and blogs. You can learn a lot about the different webinar software features and the pros and cons of webinar software options by listening to relevant podcasts and/or reading blogs. My favorite podcast is the Webinar Skills Podcast, which I host with new episodes released every Monday, Wednesday and Friday.
  4. Participate in the Webinars Survey. You can read all about the survey by clicking this link.
  5. Engage a coach or consultant. There are some amazing webinar presenters who will provide you with amazing value for money as a coach or consultant to help you select your software then obtain the skills you need to become a super effective webinar presenter.
  6. Ask Damian. If your best option is to ask me a question don’t hesitate. The best way to do this is by leaving me a question in the comments for the YouTube video for this training article. To do that click here.

Do you have my Webinar Platforms Guide?

To learn more about webinars click here to grab my free Webinar Platforms Guide. It includes:

  • What are Webinars?
  • What are the 4 Types of Webinar Platforms?
  • What are the Pros and Cons of the Webinar Platforms?
  • Select the Best Platform for YOU
  • Where is the Software?

Click here to grab your copy.

Do you want help selecting your webinar provider?

Do you have a question about selecting your webinar software? Please click here and ask me in the YouTube video comments. I promise to reply.

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